This Halloween you can become Frankenstein and create your own monster. However, this one is cute and almost cuddly. I wouldn’t try to reanimate him. He is after all made of paper and would disintegrate once struck by lightning.
Maybe drinking a love potion number 9 while at a monster mash dance in the twilight zone will keep him from falling apart and your creation would live on forever. Not saying that it would happen but it could LOL
To Build the Cubeecraft:
Materials needed:
Card stock
x-acto knife
To make:
- Cut out each item along the outer black lines.
- Cut along the white on each tab using the x-acto knife including in either side of the face
- Cut along each red line using the x-acto knife
- Fold along each inner solid black line and slide each tab into the slots you created with an x-acto knife to form a cube of the head, body, arms, and feet
- Slide the arms through the red slots on either side of the body.
- Slide the feet through the red slots at the base of the body.
- Slide the now completed body through the red lots of the head.
It is done. To download this cubeecraft click the links below and save them to your computer. Then print and create!