Slingshot was going to be a Princess Palace Pet for Princess Merida. There were mock ups of his design and a possible toy, however, Slingshot never made it before Disney cancelled the Palace Pets franchise. That didn’t stop fans from creating a fake Furry Tail Friends toy of Slingshot. Thanks to these avid fans, I was able to get a picture of the fake toy in order to make a Slingshot coloring page.

Slingshot’s Story (written by Marissa Grubbs, an avid Palace Pet fan):
Slingshot is a deerhound puppy. He was a gift from Merida’s mother. Since his sense of adventure matches Merida’s personality, Slingshot was a great companion to Merida and provided protection when Queen Elinor joined Merida on her rides.
The coloring page features Slingshot in his mint green fur and red tail. He also sports a red Palace Pets paw print marking. To download the Slingshot Coloring Page simply click the link below the image and save the PDF to your computer. Then print, color, and display. If you want Slingshot to become a puppet:
- print the coloring page on thick cardstock
- Color the fox to your liking
- Cutout the fox along the outer solid black line
- make a kickstand out of cardboard.
- Glue the kickstand to the back of the fox (or glue Skyla to a popsicle stick)
- Let dry
- Display