Walt Disney Animation Studios is releasing a brand new animated movie featuring Kakamora, a demi god, a rooster, a pig, crazy monsters and a beautiful Hawaiian girl named Moana. In this story, a girl with a wonderful power must embark on a quest to not only save her people but discover her own way, which …
Category: Disney Printables
Disney Printables
Sep 20 2016
Free Lego Mr. Incredible Printable Coloring Page
The Disney movie The Incredibles features a superhero who’s life is turned upside down when a rescue goes horribly wrong. After being sued, Mr. Incredible finds that he must find a way to be normal and not a superhero. It isn’t easy, and even though he has three kids and a loving wife to adore, …
Sep 19 2016
Free Moana Printable From Paper Dolls by Cory
Walt Disney Animation Studios is releasing a brand new animated movie featuring Kakamora, a demi god, a rooster, a pig, crazy monsters and a beautiful Hawaiian girl named Moana. In this story, a girl with a wonderful power must embark on a quest to not only save her people but discover her own way, which …
Sep 12 2016
Whisker Haven Tales Coloring Page of Tillie
Tillie is a Critterzen from Whisker Haven. What is a Critterzen? Critterzens are cats, dogs, horses, birds, rabbits, and even exotic animals like turtles, ferrets, chinchillas, guinea pigs, lizards, snakes, and so much more that live in Whisker Haven and make it their home (Whisker Haven). Tillie is a very Sweet and cheerful kitten Critterzen. …
Sep 05 2016
Whisker Haven Printable Coloring Pages and Activities
Whisker Haven is a place where all the Disney Princess Palace Pets can go to relax and be themselves in a magical land filled with Critterzens (critter citizens) and all their pals from different kingdoms. The kingdom of Whisker Haven lies in a secret realm, somewhere deep in the fairytale space between the palaces of …
Sep 05 2016
Free Princess Palace Pets Coloring Page of River
Pocahontas has a new pet! It is an adorable Wolf pup named River, which is fitting since it comes from the forest that Pocahontas loves so much. Pocahontas Found River on a special full moon night. River was howling at the moon, feeling so sad and lonely. When Pocahontas heard her howls, she investigated and …
Aug 29 2016
Free Princess Palace Pets Coloring Page of Ash
Aurora has a new pet! Ironically it is a baby dragon. I guess Maleficent didn’t scar Aurora for life against dragons. At least Ash is adorable. Maleficent was more…evil looking. Aurora Fournd ash while ahe walking in the woods. She came across an egg, abandoned in the forest and kept it. Once it hatched out …
Aug 24 2016
Disney’s Pete’s Dragon Free Recipe and Activities
A Disney Classic has been re-imagined as Elliot hits the big screen once again with a more realistic makeover in Pete’s Dragon, Now in theaters. Not only has Eliiot received a makeover, but even the story has changed locations. Instead of taking place at a lighthouse, as in the classic, it now takes place in …
Aug 09 2016
Alice Through The Looking Glass Printable Activities
October 18th can’t come fast enough! Why? Because fans (including myself) will finally be able to own the next installment of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland series called Alice Through the Looking Glass on Digital HD, Blu-ray™ and Disney Movies Anywhere. The all-star cast from the 2010 blockbuster is back with Johnny Depp as the Mad …
Aug 08 2016
Free Printables freaturing Disney Princess Elena of Avalor
The New Disney Princess Elena of Avalor is on Disney Channel. This new princess must learn what it means to be a leader after she saves her kingdom from the evil sorceress Shuriki. With the help of a Grand Council, made up of Grandfather Tito, Grandmother Cici and royal adviser Duke Esteban, Princess Elena e,barks …