When Kyo is hugged by a member of the opposite sex, he transforms into a cat. Tohru finds out several times through the animated series that this curse is very awkward and difficult to avoid. As the cat zodiac, Kyo is the outcast, angry at the world and the family. He is also the only one that could possibly save them all.
This cubeecraft features Kuo in his everyday clothes wearing his all important braclet.
Materials needed:
Card stock
x-acto knife
To make:
- Cut out each item along the outer black lines.
- Cut along the white on each tab using the x-acto knife
- Cut along each red line using the x-acto knife
- Fold along each inner solid black line and slide each tab into the slots created with an x-acto knife to form a cube of the head, arms, and feet, and body
- Slide the arms through the red slots on either side of the body.
- Slide the feet through the red slots at the base of the body.
- Slide the now completed body through the red lots of the head.
He is now complete. To download this cubeecraft click the image below and save it to your computer. Then simply print and create.