I received the opportunity to review the Disney Movie “The Finest Hours” staring Chris Pine and Casey Affleck. So I opened the case and placed the movie in my PlayStation, grabbed my note pad and pen, and sat down on the couch ready to take a bunch of notes for an all inclusive review that any movie critique would be jealous of. Well plans change, at least after two hours, my plan changed.
As it turns out, I got so enthralled in the movie, so caught up in the characters, and so invested in the story…I completely forgot to take notes. After the movie was over I glanced down to a near empty note pad containing the words, “The Finest Hours” thinking, “well those may not have been my finest hours review wise.” How could I have completely forgotten to take notes?
I sat there thinking about random scenes in the movie, trying to put into words how I felt and how I reacted to the plot line, but nothing flowed. I simply stared at the note pad as the blue lines turned into monstrous waves splashing about in my mind. I thought about how the lives of several people hung on a hope and prayer that some how some one would find them in the storm. Can you imagine the feeling of desperation as all of the power failed and the ship began to sink into the ocean, a ship that was meant to protect them on the high seas, and they were unable to do anything but wait and see if the little toot of their whistle would bring a rescue party? Let’s not forget, cellphones were not yet invented in the 1950s, CB was spotty due to the storm, and communication was nearly impossible. Talk about feeling lost in a world that is more than 70% water.
Let me tell you, I felt the loss and the desperation. This movie not only tells the epic story of the greatest rescue in Coast Guard history, it puts the viewer right in the middle of the action. I could almost feel the icy waves as they sloshed over the side of the boat. My heart pounded as the Coast Guard’s 12-seater ship worked it’s way through gale force winds, the captain and crew hoping to make it over a hidden space of land and live to see another day. The movie sucked me into a wild ride where I became lost in the storm that hit Cape Cod back in 1952.

Chris Pine plays Bernie Webber in Disney’s Movie: The Finest Hours. Picture from: Facebook
Then, to hit the story right in the heart, this Disney movie takes an in depth look into the actual story by visiting Chatham, conducting interviews and getting real life stories from witnesses in the bonus features. That’s when the idea “The Finest Hours is based on a true story” sinks in. Captain Bernie Webber and his crew actually had to go through these dangerous hypothermic waters to rescue several sailors fighting to stay alive. The quote “We all live, or we all die” makes me tear up as the real weight behind those words sink in. Real people, trying to rescue real sailors were willing to sacrifice their lives to make sure that they could rescue as many as possible.
Answers to a few questions:
Is it worth a watch? Yes. You will be amazed how you are sucked in to the story, almost like you are there with them as they struggled to survive.
Was the acting decent? Yes. The actors bring life to this story, making it feel as if they are the actual people who had to brave the storm.
Is this a movie the whole family can watch? Yes and No. This is an action-thriller with intense emotional and action scenes. Death is no stranger in this story and as such it may be just a little too much for a younger audience.
Do I suggest that you see this movie? Yes. I consider this a must see movie. I also suggest that all viewers check out the bonus features as well. They add to and enhance the story and it’s realism.
More about The Finest Hours:
This movie will storm into homes on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere May 24th.
Film Synopsis:
This heroic action-thriller is based on the extraordinary true story of the greatest small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history. In 1952, a massive winter storm strikes off the coast of Cape Cod, ripping a T-2 oil tanker in half and trapping more than 30 sailors inside its rapidly sinking stern. When word of the disaster reaches the U.S. Coast Guard, four men led by Captain Bernie Webber (Chris Pine) set out in a 12-seat boat on a daring mission to rescue the stranded men, braving freezing cold, 60-foot waves and hurricane-force winds, and guided by Webber’s vow that “We all live, or we all die.” Packed with thrilling, larger-than-life action and anchored in a belief in the strength of the human spirit, The Finest Hours is a triumph.
Bonus Features:
Blu-ray Combo Pack, Digital HD, Digital SD, Disney Movies Anywhere
- AGAINST ALL ODDS: THE BERNIE WEBBER STORY – Visit the quaint and close-knit town of Chatham, and experience the events surrounding the most heroic Coast Guard rescue ever through the eyes of the people who witnessed them.
- BROTHERHOOD – Cast members reflect on the bonds they forged during the shoot.
- TWO CREWS – Chris Pine and Casey Affleck share insights into Bernie Webber and Ray Sybert, men who led their respective crews against all odds.
- WHAT IS YOUR FINEST HOUR? – A Coast Guard member recounts an incredible rescue.
- THE FINEST INSPIRATION: THE U.S. COAST GUARD Meet the people who put their lives on the line for others.
- A Desperate Idea
- The Story of How They Met
*Bonus Features may vary by retailer
Purchase a copy of Disney’s The Finest Hours today from amazon.com:
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