There are more fun printables on the Uhu site. These are a special edition and may not be around long, so click on the links below each image to grab them while you can. These special edition Jungle Theme papercrafts are free. They will require a glue stick or tape to complete.
The collection includes a monkey, Elephant, lions, Ostrich and more. 3 of the papercrafts did not have an image so I placed the Uhu Logo there instead.
I should state that I am not paid by Uhu nor are these papercrafts mine. I found them on the internet and thought I would share their loveliness to help increase your Digital Hoard.
Check them out by clicking the links below or go to their official website here.
I hope you Enjoyed these Jungle animal papercrafts. Remember these are a special and may not be around long. I do apologize if the links no longer work.
Hopefully these helped to increase your digital hoard, I know they did mine 😀
Your Digital Hoarder signing off