“Tired of playing the role of a bad guy, Ralph takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a journey across the arcade through multiple generations of video games to prove that he can be a hero” (Wreck it Ralph website)
Wreck -it Ralph characters have been requested several times over the last few week, especially for Fix it Felix and Wreck-it Ralph. When my followers ask, I do my best to create. So here it is, Fix it Felix Jr from the game Fix it Felix jr from the Disney Animated Movie Wreck-it Ralph.
This cubeecraft comes with two unique items.
- Fix it Felix wears a hat. This cubeecraft has the brim of the hat separate from the cubeecraft.
To connect the two:
Cut the white lines on the border of the face.
Slide the tabs through those holes recently created. - Fix it Felix has a magic hammer that fixes things that are broken. This cubeecraft comes with the hammer as well.
Cut the hammer around the outer solid line and slide through the openings by that hands (see 3D image)
To Build the Cubeecraft:
Materials needed:
Card stock
x-acto knife
To make:
- Cut out each item along the outer black lines.
- Cut along the white on each tab using the x-acto knife including in either side of the face
- Cut along each red line using the x-acto knife
- Fold along each inner solid black line and slide each tab into the slots you created with an x-acto knife to form a cube of the head, body, arms, and feet
- Slide the arms through the red slots on either side of the body.
- Slide the feet through the red slots at the base of the body.
- Slide the now completed body through the red lots of the head.
He is done. To download this cubeecraft click the links below and save them to your computer. Then print and create!
can you send this to my email
All you have to do is click the image and save it to the computer. 😀 I don’t send these to emails since they are readily available on my site 😀