After sharing several Despicable Me 2 printables from Uhu, I decided to look around their website and see what else they had. It turns out that they have some fun printables to advertise their glue stick.
They have cute little papercraft animals, spaceships, and sea creatures. They have them under three difficulties: Beginner, Advanced and Professional.
One of my favorites is the Peacock. I love the colors and the cuteness it beholds 😀
As an extra Bonus, these printables are free. 😀 You will need glue, and may I suggest Uhu glue. They are after all their papercrafts 😀
I should state that I am not paid by them nor are these papercrafts mine. I found them on the internet and thought I would share their loveliness to help increase your Digital Hoard.
Check them out by clicking the links below or go to their official website here.
My Digital Hoard increases every day. I hope yours does as well 😀
Your Digital Hoarder signing off