Free Printables and downloads for Marvel’s Thor

Free Thor Printables SKGaleana

With the god of thunder and lightning making another debut in Thor The Dark World, I thought it only fitting that I find printables for Thor and share them. Most of these printables are found on Spoonful but I found a few other paper crafts that are fun to create. On the official webiste you can also download a few awesome wallpapers for your computer or phone Marvel Thor the Dark World.

Who is Thor?
As the Norse God of thunder and lightning, Thor wields one of the greatest weapons ever made, the enchanted hammer Mjolnir. While others have described Thor as an over-muscled, oafish imbecile, he’s quite smart and compassionate. He’s self-assured, and he would never, ever stop fighting for a worthwhile cause.” (marvelkids)

Now enjoy these printables!


Door Hanger
Pencil Toppers
Thor ID
Hat Wings
Thor Helmet
Thor Cubeecraft
Thor Paper Dolls
Thor Mask
Thor Paper Craft

The websites below are where I found many of these printables.
My Paper Heroes
Marvel Thor the Dark World

I hope you enjoyed all these Thor Printables.
Until next time