Fun Pixie Hollow Games that will Rival the Olympics!

Now that the Human Summer Olympics are over, it’s time to start the Fairy Olympics called the Pixie Hollow Games. However, unlike the human games, the Pixie Hollow Games are a lot more fun! Competitors will have a wide variety of events to compete in with the attempt to win the Fairy Trophy!

To throw a Pixie Hollow Games, simply read through the games, collect the need materials, and start planning the event. Once everything is gathered and prepared, collect the competitors and begin the games!

The games include:

  • Mr. Twitches Animal Talent Training
    • This game is all about Animal Training. To play, one person must be selected to be the Kitty named Mr. Twitches. Mr. Twitches stands at one end of the room and the rest of the competitors stand at the other end of the room. While Mr. Twitches faces the wall, in unison, the competitors ask Mr. Twitches, “What time is it, Mr. Twitches?” Mr. Twitches will then turn around and state a time, such as 3 o’clock. The kitty will then face the wall and the competitors will move ahead 3 steps. However, if Mr. Twitches says Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner time, the kitty will chase the competitors back to the starting line. If the kitty catches one, they become a snack and the competitor is out of the game. The goal is to catch Mr. Twitches with it’s back turned.
  • Vidia’s Scavenger Hunt Fast Flying Talent Training
    • Using the list on the activity card, have the competitors find the items. Fastest Fairy Wins!
  • Perfect Posture Garden Talent Training
    • The event host marks a distance on a track. Competitors get a team together. Taking turns, each competitor must balance a book on their head, walk to the end of the track, and back. The first team to get all their players down and back wins.
  • Rainbow Go! Light Talent Training
    • A person is chosen to be the Fairy Traffic Director and is stationed at one end of the track, facing away from the competitors. . The competitors station themselves at the other end of the track. When the Event Host yells go, the competitors will race to the Fairy Traffic Director (FTD). When the FTD turns and yells red light, all competitors must stop. If the FTD sees movement from a competitor, that competitor is out of the game. The FTD will then turn and yell green light, allowing the competitors to run to the FTD again. This continues until ne person touches the FTD. Don’t worry, there is no Squid Game action here.
  • Tink’s Exer-“Dice” Tinker Talent Training
    • Make a fitness routine using a DIY die with activities such as jumping jacks, sit-ups, stretches, and more. Write them on the die. The Event Host will set a 1 min timer. Players will roll the die and complete as many tasks as they can. The person with the most completed tasks wins.
  • Sil’s Bubble Catch Water Talent Training
    • The Event Host gets a bubble station and a wand. The competitors line up with wands of their own. The Event host will then set a timer for one min. The Bubble Blower will then blow bubbles for one minute. The competitor to collect the most bubbles without them popping wins

Click each image above to get the PDF for instructions and fun printable dice. The PDF can be printed to form a brochure for each competitor. They make great instruction pamphlets and a fun keepsake.

After all the games are done, it is time to dish out the trophies. Use the printable below to make the cool pixie game trophies

You can also hand out medals, which are found on amazon (affiliate link). These give a much more legit award.

Get family and friends together and start the festivities to end the summer before school starts! It is fun for the whole family and will be a great Fairy-Olympics!

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