Ever since I saw Kipo and The Age of the Wonderbeasts on Netflix, I have been keeping a sharp eye out for fun official printable activities and crafts. Dreamworks, however, has shown no interest in creating Kipo printables, I was beginning to think that we would never receive a single craft…until now.
Finally, on Dreamworks’ Create site, we have the first Kipo printable craft! This craft features the immortal Dave! At long last we can make our own bug buddy. Thankfully this paper craft won’t go through all his stages of life.

To make this Dave Paper craft simply click the image below or go to Dreamworks Create and save the Dave PDF to your computer. Then print the craft and create Dave. A cool idea: Tape string to the paper Dave and turn him into an epic puppet that can follow you around anywhere. We all need a Dave sidekick…right?