Get ready for Valentine’s Day with the cutest ponies around from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and this adorable Cootie Catcher (Fortune Teller)! I personally love the term Cootie Catcher. It makes it sound so cute.
I believe it’ i’s called a cootie catcher because when formed, it can be turned onto a makeshift hand and grab items that may have cooties. That way, it protects the wearer from catching the cooties. I know, as a kid, I used it to pick up toys and random items off my desk. Have you ever tried to pick up a pencil with a cootie catcher? It is not the easiest thing to do.
The Cootie Catcher is also referred to as a fortune teller because small hidden notes can be hidden inside, and when you select the appropriate number, it will tell you your fortune. In this case, The My Little Pony Cootie Catcher will tell you what pony you are by the number you choose!
- To play,
- print out the template and make the cootie catcher.
- To make
- Cutout the template along the solid black line, the outer square
- Color facing up, fold the paper in half and reopen
- turn the paper 90 degrees and fold the paper in half, unfold. You should have a plus sign shape in the folds
- Fold diagonal, unfold
- Rotate paper 90 degrees and fold diagonal, unfold
- With color side facing down, fold each corner to the center point, the words and numbers should be facing you
- Turn the paper over so that color side (hearts) is facing up.
- Fold each corner to the center point, the hearts should be hiding under the flap now
- From the word side, take your fingers and place them in the flaps. Push the points together to form the four pyramids
- The Cootie Catcher is made
- To make
- Now place each thumb in the pyramids closest to you and a pointer finger in each pyramid farthest from you When you open and close your fingers, the cootie catcher will open and close
- Have a friend pick a word
- Spell the word as you open and close the cootie catcher. For example: your friend picks the word pony. Starting at a closed cootie catcher, take your pointers and point them away from you to open it long ways and say “P” Close the cootie catcher again. Then open the cootie catcher by pulling the thumb and pointer to the side to open it side ways and say “O”. Repeat the process of opening long ways and side ways until the word is spelled.
- On the last letter, where the cootie catcher is opened, have your friend select a number.
- Like spelling pony, open long ways then side ways while counting.
- When you land on the final number, have your friend pick a number again. This time pull your fingers out of the pyramids, flatten the cootie catcher and open the flap with the chosen number. Under that number is what pony they are!
- print out the template and make the cootie catcher.
The ponies and characters that are included in the cootie catcher are, Twilight Sparkle, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Princess Celestia.
Which MLP character are you this Valentine’s Day? Download the template below by clicking on the image and saving the PDF to your computer. Then print and create for tons of Valentine’s Day fun!