Check out what came in the mail today! Thanks to Highlights, I received these gorgeous activity books that are perfect for home or on the go! Each activity features a seek and find, but with flare. What a wonderful way to celebrate the day of love with a company I have loved since I was a kid. Although it has been an undisclosed amount of years *wink*, Highlights hasn’t lost their ability to spark the imaginations. Check out the reviews below.
Valentine’s Hidden Pictures Puzzles to Highlight
Working on a play on words, Highlights has released a highlight activity book, Valentine’s Hidden Pictures Puzzles to Highlight (affiliate link)! Using the included highlighter, or grab your own highlighters, highlight the white lines when you find the items within the images. There could be anything from boomerangs to paper clips, to socks, to cups, and more. In fact, there are over 300 items to find within these fun pages!
These seek and find pages are not like your normal searches. Because it is line art, the task can be a bit more difficult. Check out page 16 and all of the items you have to find. I will admit, I am still looking for the needle (anyone see it?). Personally, I love the difficulty with the whimsical images provided!

Scratch-And-Play Valentine’s Hidden Pictures
Scratch-And-Play Valentine’s Hidden Pictures (affiliate link) is another activity pack, but instead of this being for one person, the pack includes 10 Valentine’s Day cards to hand out to your friends or family! Using the scratch tool provided, kids (or adults) scratch to color an image on the front of the card. After their piece of art is done, they fill out the ‘To’ and ‘From” and give the card to a friend or family member. The giftee then gets to use the image on the back of the card to seek and find the items suggested. It’s a fun activity for all involved!

The image above depicts the back and front of the cards. The back with the awesome kitty mermaid seek and find and a front that tells the giftee to have a Paw-some Valentine’s Day. The white lines on the front are what will be scratched by the gifter to make their beautiful piece of rainbow art.
Thankfully, if anyone gets confused about how these adorable cards are supposed to work, there is a sheet of instructions. with Scratch it, Share it, and Solve it.

Each of these activity books are perfect for the season and take seek and find to a whole new level. One is to use personally or with friends, the other is to give so that others may enjoy the game. How amazing is is that a simple collection can not only expand the imagination, but also teach the fundamentals of sharing? Great job Highlights! SKGaleana approves.

These books can be found on Amazon.com using the affiliate links below
Valentine’s Hidden Pictures Puzzles to Highlight – https://amzn.to/42Pu3l7
Scratch-And-Play Valentine’s Hidden Pictures – https://amzn.to/4k0mUEw