Disney Princess Mulan Free Printables, Downloads and Activities

In the Disney movie Mulan, Mulan struggles with who she is, unable to do things right according to their traditions and honor. When her father is called off to war, she takes his place and leaves home. The ancestors of her family come alive once they realize the horrible decision Mulan had made. They call upon the Great Stone Dragon to bring her home. Unfortunately, Mushu, destroys the dragon while trying to wake him up. He instead embarks on the journey with his little cricket friend, to help Mulan become a soldier and save China.

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In honor of Mulan, I have compiled a list of printables I found or created featuring the characters of the Disney animated movie. Even my cubeecrafts of Mulan are below.

There are:

  • connect the dots activities
  • Paper dolls
  • Play set
  • stickers
  • coloring pages
  • Paper crafts
  • Printable Puppets
  • and more

The puppets can also double as Easter egg holders. just circle the two sides together and slide the egg in đŸ˜€

Click on the images below to download and save these printables. Then Print and create for hours of fun.

Little Brother
khan puppet
Mushu puppet
Mulan Puppet
Mulan Puppet
Shang Puppet
Coloring Pages
Connect the Dots
Mulan Paper craft
Play Set
Story Book
Connect the Dots
Connect the DOts
Connect the Dots
Mulan Cubeecrafts
Paper Dolls by Cory


    • Smi on 01/09/2021 at 01:55

    Thank you so much. I was searching for Mulan’s house model and your playset was perfect. Going to print the storybook and paper doll too.

    1. Awesome! If you ever share your crafts on fb be sure to tag SKGaleana. I would love to share them as well đŸ™‚

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