Category: Crafts

Avengers: Endgame Hawkeye – Inspired Recipe and Craft

Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Endgame,” the climactic conclusion to an unprecedented, 11-year cinematic journey in which the Avengers take one final stand against Thanos, delivered the biggest opening weekend in history and is currently one of the highest-grossing films of all time. On July 30, Avengers fans around the world are invited to assemble once more …

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Playing in the Dirt By Michelle Durst: Part 1

Guest Writer: by Michelle Durst It is a beautiful day here in the mountains. Spring is in the air! The sun is shining, the snow has melted, and all the thunderstorms have rolled on through. With the warmer days, I start the grand tradition of playing in the dirt and planting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I absolutely …

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A Fun DIY Narwhal Balloon Craft!

There seems to be a lot of love going out to the Narwhals right now, and I will admit, I have jumped on that bandwagon and taken it to the high Arctic seas. I mean what’s not to love? Especially with their cutest nickname, Unicorn of the Sea. <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few Narwhal facts: …

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Kim Possible Pendant Necklace DIY Craft

Kim possible is out on DVD, which many of you already know because you have followed my blog and entered the contest for the DVD giveaway. What’s the sitch now? Well thanks to Disney Channel, there is even more fun to be had! To celebrate the release of Kim Possible’s live action scenario, Disney Channel …

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A Fun DIY Reindeer Bat Christmas Ornament Craft

Experience the holiday season in a whole new way when I’ll Be Next Door for Christmas arrives on Digital TODAY. Starring Juliette Angelo (TV’s “Mad Men”), Beth Littleford (TV’s “The Daily Show”), Jonathan Mangum (TV’s “Let’s Make a Deal”), Nicole Sullivan (TV’s “MADtv”, “The King of Queens”), and the absolutely adorable feline sensation Lil BUB …

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The Best DIY Advent Calendar!

Advent Calendars are one of the most fun creations i have had the pleasure of enjoying. Getting a gift a day is never frowned upon, especially when you are a kid. I remember waking up every morning with expectations to a piece of chocolate, toy, or maybe even a folded paper dollar. It was 24 …

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SPONSORED: Dreamworks She-Ra Princess of Power Surprise

SPONSORED by Dreamworks Dreamworks She-Ra Princess of Power is being released tomorrow on Netflix! I am especially excited to see this series. If they do as good of a job as they did with Voltron, this is sure to be a wonderful adaptation of the classic She-ra. In anticipation of the upcoming release, Dreamworks sent …

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Printable Follow-Me-Eyes Pumpkint DIY Paper Craft

Halloween is a couple days away and I still have one more craft to share. So before Halloween is here and gone here is another fun Follow-Me-Eyes paper craft that is sure to bring laughter into the house…Or that creepy feeling that something is always watching you. How about a little of both. This time, …

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DIY Googly-Eye Monster Rocks Halloween Craft

Halloween is just around the corner. Time for the spooks, ghouls, jack-o-lanterns, and monsters to come out from hiding and show their faces to the world. Well, some of them can. Monster Rocks still have to get their faces on….literally. It isn’t easy being a cute little monster and there has to be time for …

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Incredibles 2 Halloween Pumpkins and Treat Bag

It is Incredible when Disney/Pixar gives us one free activity to enjoy for the Halloween season. It is Incredible times 2 when they give us fans even more! In honor of Incredibles 2 coming out digitally today, Disney/Pixar have released two more fun Halloween crafts that pair well with their Superhero costume craft. We now …

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