Every Fairy in Fairy World has an anti-fairy. Wanda, who is smart and thinks things through, has an Anti-Fairy that is stupid. Cosmo, who is in need of a few brain cells, has an Anti-Fairy that is smart and conniving. It only stands to reason that Poof, the only Fairy born in 1000 years, would have an Anti-Fairy named Foop.
Foop is in the shape of a box, the opposite of the round little ball that Poof features. He is very blue and was born with an evil mustache and goatee. His Dark blue pajamas feature a skull, which match perfectly with his bat wings and Black Crown. Unlike Poof’s wand, which is a rattle, Foop’s wand is a Baby bottle with bat wings (it has to match the ensemble). He speaks with a British accent like his father Anti-Cosmo but sometimes portrays Anti-Wanda’s dim whit. Just like Poof, good or bad things happen when Foop laughs or cries, however, his are opposite of Poof’s abilities. When Foop cries good things happen and when he laughs bad things happen.
Foop’s main goal throughout the TV series is to get rid of Poof and have all the spotlight for himself. Foop wants to be the first fairy baby born in 1000 years, not the second. To be second place makes him angry and irrational leading him to concoct not-so-great plans to get rid of Poof. Thanks to Timmy, Wanda, and Cosmo, the attempts have been foiled.
Foop is already the shape of a square in the TV series, so I thought it would be hilarious to turn him into a cubeecraft paper craft. To Put him together follow the instructions below. Take your time and have fun.
To Build the Cubeecraft:
Materials needed:
Card stock
craft knife
To make:
- Cut out each item along the outer black lines. Be careful with the smaller items like the arms, wings, crown and hair. They have to remain attached together so that they can be folded in half and become double-sided.
- Cut along the white on each tab using the x-acto knife
- Cut along each red lines using the x-acto knife
- Cut along thThe black linesOn the back where the wings will slide through, the sides where the arms will slide through, and on the head where the crown and hair will slide through
- Fold along each inner solid black line and slide each tab into the slots created with an x-acto knife to form a cube of the head and feet
- Slide the arms through the black slots on either side of the body.
- Slide the feet through the red slots at the base of the body.
- Slide the wings through the holes on the back and the hair and crown through the holes on the top of the head.
He is done. To download this cubeecraft click the links below and save them to your computer. Then print and create!