The Penguins of Madagascar (Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private) are back in their very own feature film! Starring: Tom McGrath, Chris Miller, Christopher Knights, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Jeong, Annet Mahendru, Peter Stormare and John Malkovich! Discover the secrets of the most entertaining mysterious birds in the global espionage game. Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private must join forces with the chic spy organization, North Wind, to stop the cunning villain Dr. Octavious Brine from taking over the world!

The printables below are free to download print and create! They were found on the Official Website and shared here.
A couple of the printables come as a pack and feature several different items. I have detailed each activity pack so you know what is in them.
Party Kit includes:
~Recipe ideas and game ideas
~Decoding Invitations
~Party Banner
~Place cards and Food Cards
~Penguin feet game
~Word search
~Cupcake toppers
~Cupcake wrappers
Spy Kit Includes:
~Spy Badge
~Invisible Ink How to
~Spy Book
Simply click the images below to pop up the PDF, save it to your computer, print and have a blast with the weird but cute penguins!