Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa Recipe

Picture from Disney Family https://family.disney.com/recipe/minnie-mouse-hot-cocoa/

I have a niece that absolutely loves Minnie Mouse. I don’t mean the occasional love, I mean the type of love that boarders on obsession. She will literally stop what she is doing just to watch, read, or see anything with Minnie Mouse. Because of her adorable love for this little mouse, I had to share this Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa Recipe found on Disney Family. Of course, this recipe is for all the Minnie Mouse fans out there.



How sweet! One sip of this deliciously pink Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa will warm your heart with magic. Disney Family

This recipe is easy to make. However, some of the items have to it in the fridge for a while so prepare these a couple hours in advance.

TIP: All items that require heating up or melting should be done by an adult. The devouring part is totally done by the kids and the young at heart, or anyone that loves hot cocoa.

Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa

  • Difficulty: Easy
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Items Needed

Photo and recipe from Disney Family

  1. Place one bag of pink chocolate candy melts in a microwave safe bowl.
  2. Melt pink chocolate candy melts in increments of 30 seconds, stirring after each 30 seconds.
  3. Fill a silicone ice cube tray with melted pink chocolate.
  4. Sprinkle pink sprinkles and white pearls over each individual section of chocolate.
  5. Place one straw in the middle of every section of chocolate.
  6. Refrigerate overnight.
  7. Heat 8 ounces of milk in a microwave safe mug. Place one pink chocolate cube into mug and stir.
  8. Add whipped cream and two chocolate mini-donuts for ears.

This recipe can be simplified by simply plopping the white chocolate melts into the milk and adding sprinkles. No melting or waiting required. Let’s face it, sometimes life just needs shortcuts.


Disclosure: I was not paid, requesred or given anything to post this recipe. I simply found it on Disney Family and had to share for all the Minnie Mouse fans. (See more here)