Sabine Wren is a sassy Mandalore that prefers to help the weak with her shoot first and ask questions later attitude. Versed in weaponry and explosives, this 16 year old girl is far from defenseless, she let’s her weapons do the talking. In fact, to better promote the Rebel alliance and to promote her artistic side, Sabine like to use paint-bombs. Her artistic style has even coated an imperial tie-fighter, which shocked the Ghost crew was it’s crazy design. However, I thought it rocked! May not have been practical, but totally rockin.
Sabine lost favor for the Empire once her family was hurt by one of their dealings. She began to fight them with every trick she could think of, including sabotage. She later joined the Ghost Crew (Hera, Kanan, Chopper and Zeb) and their fight against the Empire. They became her family and her need fight grew stronger.

In honor of Star Wars Day (May 25th) I thought I would continue the cubeecraft theme and create a Sabine Wren cubeecraft paper craft. This cubeecraft feature Sabine from Season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. After her fight with Darth Vader, her armor was damaged. She made a decision to repaint her armor and change the color of her hair to match her new color scheme.

To Build the Cubeecraft:
Materials needed:
Card stock
x-acto knife
To make:
- Cut out each item along the outer black lines.
- Cut along the white on each tab using the x-acto knife
- Cut along each red line using the x-acto knife
- Fold along each inner solid black line and slide each tab into the slots you created with an x-acto knife to form a cube of the head, body, arms, and feet
- Slide the arms through the red slots on either side of the body.
- Slide the feet through the red slots at the base of the body.
- Slide the now completed body through the red lots of the head.
Sabine is now complete.
To download the cubeecraft click the images below and save them to your computer. Then print and create!