Netflix has a new series about helping others secretly. During a time where everyone is looking for a thank you or recognition, Team Zenko focuses on doing good deeds anonymously. These four unknown heroes are Ellie, Ari, Jax, and Niah, and they look to do good deeds where ever they can.
Official Synopsis:
In a world where every good deed is recorded for social media and judged in likes and comments, our kids buck the trend and use their mastery of distraction, deception and extreme sneakery to anonymously help others! These good deed heroes don’t fight bad guys – they tiptoe in to lend a helping hand, infiltrate with empathy, and squash problems right out of your day and you never know they were there! (Dreamworks Jr)
In celebration of Team Zenko Go arriving on Netflix, Dreamworks Jr. released a fun printable activity featuring all the main characters. This amazing activity will allow kids to form their own team with a cool DIY Gongle and Badge! Simply click the image below and save the PDF to your computer. Then print and create to start an amazing super hero adventure.