Free Coloring Page and Wallpaper Featuring Nightgeist from Slugterra

Nightgeist is the Ghouled version of the Frightgeist. This scary little slug is teal and silver with Red eyes and a bad temper. When hit by a Nightgeist, you become an instant coward, afraid of your own shadow, and will run away in terror. Even Eli Shane felt the effects after being hit by one. Ghouled slugs are nothing to play with, and should never have been created. But due to their nasty tempers and amazing fighting abilities they are a favorite among Dr. Blakk and his followers/partners. The Nightgeist is no exception. To be hit by one of these almost guarantees you will lose the match, until, of course, the effects wear off and you are in your right mind again.

The Nightgeist velocimorph is a nightmare all on it’s own. Almost something you would picture as a Boogieman’s minion. It has razor sharp claws, pointy teeth and a nasty snake like tongue. It also features a face that gives the appearance of a skull. It keeps the colors from it’s Ghouled protoform.

Nightgeist Slugterra Image SKGaleana

Check out the specs below for more details on the Nightgeist and it’s attacks.

Nightgeist specs from
Nightgeist: Species #012G
A Famous Slug of this species: Unknown
Preferred Habitat:
Power Type: Fright Ghoul
Element: Dark Shadow
Rarity: Uncommon or Extremely Rare (There is debate on this)
Protoform Abilities: Makes people feel upset and on edge
Attacks: 4

    Paranoyd: Hits an opponent, creating an uncontrollable fright response. Opponent sees visions of horrifying things
    Tormentia: Gross, unearthly, ectoplasmic tentacles grab on to a foe and drag them to the ground
    Ghastling: Bits of gross ectoplasm break off to swarm attack an opponent, slamming them with thousands of tiny punches
    Tombtwister: Ectoplasmic tentacles latch on and make an opponent intangible, dragging them inside an object to trap them

Nightgeist transformation at 100 mph:

To download this coloring page click the image below and save the PDF.
This coloring page is free to download, print and create. I do however, accept donations. Any amount helps keep the hobby alive and allows me to continue to bring my readers awesome printables and coloring pages.
If you donate $5 USD I will email you 5 printable SlugTerra Info cards! You must send me an email with how much you donated and What five slugs you wish to get from the list posted here: Slugterra Info Cards! Be sure to also check out my Slugterra Card game. Collect slugs and battle opponents in epic slug battles!

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To download this free coloring page click the image below and save the PDF to your computer.
Nightgeist coloring Page SKGaleana image

I have also included this free Wallpaper found on Simply click on the image and save the jpeg.

If you print and color this Slug, take a Picture or scan it. I would love to share your art on my facebook page!
If you have a specific Slug you would like to see made into a coloring page, let me know in the comments below, it may be the next one I create đŸ˜€

Get my other Slugterra Coloring pages by clicking here
You can find Burpy (Infurnus) and the others!