The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Wedgie Power Guidebook


With the all new series of “The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants” coming to Netflix on July 13th, Dreamworks Animation has sent me a summer fun kit featuring the wonderful characters from their brand new series. The kit includes a Captain Underpants Drawstring bag, a sock puppets craft, and a book titled, “The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Wedgie Power Guidebook.”



As promised in my DIY on the George and Harold Sock puppets blog, I am continuing the week of Captain Underpants with a review of the comic book guidebook.

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Wedgie Power Guidebook” is the perfect way to get to know the characters from the all new Dreamworks Animation TV Series, The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. It allows fans, new fans, and soon-to-be new fans a great way to meet George, Harold, and their crazy world. From Ms. Ribble: The Worlds most Boring Language Arts Teacher to Mr. Krupps: the meanest Principal in the world, nothing is off limits.

The Guidebook features 112 fully illustrated pages, like the image above, depicting George, Harold, Captain Underpants and the cast of the new TV series The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants”. But not only is it a guide to all the characters in the new series, the book also includes several comic books that George and Harold have made, including:

  • Captain Underpants and the Dreadful Debacle of DJ Drowsy Drawers
  • Captain Underpants and George + Harold: The Heroic Hammering of the Homework-Headed Horror!
  • Captain Underpants and the Sinister Frights of Scarica Fang
  • Of course, there is more to George and Harold than comic books, they are also one of the top pranksters in their 4th grade class…no, in the whole Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. Whether it is to go down in History or just to have a little fun, their pranks are often not seen as funny to the adults running the elementary school. For the students, however, laughter echos through the halls…most of the time. The guidebook describes a few of their epic pranks including TP-ing the whole school or rearranging school signs to say something hilarious.

    After all the epic tales, character introductions, and some of George and Harold’s greatest pranks, the guidebook ends with a chance for all readers to create their own comic in a madlib. By filling in the adjectives, nouns, or other needed terms, readers can make a hilarious tale of their own. Not only is there a comic activity but included in this Wedgie Power Guidebook is a Pull-Out poster featuring George, Harold, and Captain Underpants! So much awesomeness is found within!

    After reading “The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Wedgie Power Guidebook“, I give it two farts up…er…I mean two thumbs up. It is a fun read with wonderful colors and graphics for the kids and adults.. I am not ashamed to say, this book had me giggling several times. My family and I can’t wait to see the TV series this Friday the 13th.

    Grab your own copy of the The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Wedgie Power Guidebook by clicking the image below and heading over to Amazon.


    Disclosure: SKGaleana receives products in order to conduct reviews. Unless noted otherwise, no monetary compensation was provided. I only share and recommend products or services I think will be a good fit for my readers. All the opinions are 100% my own. In exchange for referrals, some posts may contain affiliate links that I may receive commission for payment. (See more here)

    “Thanks Dreamworks for the free Dreamworks The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants DIY mailer”
