Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World stomping into theaters June 12, 2015. This long-awaited installment comes 22 years after the original Jurassic Park disaster. Isla Nublar is now a full functioning Park, just as John Hammond had dreamed…if not better…sparing no expense. with more than 20,000 visitors a day, the park is a total success featuring safaris, zoos, and even a biological preserve. Much like a Disney Land Theme Park, visitors can say in wonderful themed hotels, visit delectable restaurants and enjoy all that the island has to offer, including dinosaurs.
This theme of vacationing at a dinosaur park doesn’t stay relative to the movie. Instead, viewers like us can immerse ourselves into the fun that Jurassic World has to offer, check out the sites, learn about dinosaurs and Plan Our Visit on With so much fun, how can the island not be worth the money to visit? or the better question is, do you really want to take a vacation on an island with a poor history record?
Let me just take a moment to say…I WANT THAT BUBBLE CAR
As a Huge Fan of the original Jurassic Park, I personally cannot wait for Jurassic World to make its debut. They do say all good things are worth waiting for, but sometimes I wish I could make a time machine and go forward in time to see a movie. While Star Wars: The Force Awakens is number one on my list, Jurassic Park is second 😀 However, like so many others, the object of time travel eludes me, so I must wait.
In the mean time, I have created several printables and crafts that are fun to create and/or use at a Jurassic World party. And yes, they are Free! I do take donations from those willing to give; it helps keep my hobby alive. (insert begging here)
These Jurassic World Printables are easy to download. Simply click the image and save the PDF to your computer. Then just print and create. I am able to personalize these items if you wish. There is a charge for personalization. Contact me with what you want personalized and I will send you a quote.
Featured Printables:
Security Badge: In the images for the movie, I saw a Security officer with a Jurassic World Badge. I had to make a Printable copy of this badge. Who doesn’t want to be a Security Guard at Jurassic World right?
Name Badge: Also in the Jurassic World photos I saw an image of a Jurassic World worker wearing a name badge. I created a printable version of this name badge. Now everyone at the park will know your name (this is one that can be personalized with all the names of those attending your party)
Enjoy these Magnificent Printables win all their Jurassic World Splendor!
Be sure to grab the Jurassic World Dinosaur Field Guide to learn all about the dinosaurs and be ready for the movie! It has wonderful Dinosaur facts and illustrations that any dinosaur fan will enjoy.