I am sure there are many like myself excited to see Oz The Great and Powerful on friday.
I have taken it a step further and searched out some cool Disney printables and wallpaper to help cater to my geeky side.
Disney, of course, was way ahead of me. They prepared for the hard-core fans by offering free downloadable wallpapers and printables.
The site to collect your free wallpapers is fun to explore. Be sure to click the menu button and follow your own yellow brick road. In the download section you can collect the pre-made wallpapers or you can create your own. If you create your own it will take you to a page where you will get the opportunity to zoom into a specific feature of the main background and take a snap shot and save. The picture below is one I took from the site. I loved the flowers and wanted a close up.

To collect your wallpapers or make your own click the image above 😀
To download some printables, Disney’s Family Fun site called Spoonful has released a couple of printables for this movie.
Shrink Charms
Book marks
Glinda’s Crown
And more
Click here to see them all!
I hope you enjoy these freebies!