Walt Disney Animation Studios is releasing a brand new animated movie featuring Kakamora, a demi god, a rooster, a pig, crazy monsters and a beautiful Hawaiian girl named Moana. In this story, a girl with a wonderful power must embark on a quest to not only save her people but discover her own way, which may provide an answer to why the greatest sailors in the world stopped their travels across the Pacific for a millennium.
With such a highly anticipated movie gracing our theaters this thanksgiving, I thought it would be awesome to create several party printables, crafts and activities for everyone to download, print and create! You can call it a Premiere Party Kit, but I like to think of this as a blog post of awesomeness. The crafts, activities and party supplies feature Moana, Maui the demi-god, Hei Hei the rooster, and Pua the pig. The printables include:
- Triangular banners – cut out, fold over string and place it over the party table for a great looking Moana Party!
- DIY Candy Pillow Boxes – Create these to place treats and other prizes inside
- Cupcake Toppers – attach to a toothpick and place on top of cupcakes or print out on sticker paper and create fun stickers
- Cupcake wrappers – Wrap around the base of your cupcakes to give that beachy feel
- Water Bottle Drink Labels – Don’t let your guests drinks go uncovered. Decorated them with Moana water Labels
- Goodie Bag Toppers – create some goodie bags for the guest and top them off with these Moana toppers
- Printable Garland – fold these around string and display them everywhere for a festive feel
- Party Invitations – can’t have a party if you don’t invite guests.
- Memory Game – flip over the cards and find the pair. Classic party game!
- Photo Frames – Make these photo frames that guests can take home with them. Great for party favors or scrap-booking!
- Place Cards – give your foods creative names like “Pua Pork” or “fried Hei Hei legs”…actually, you may want to come up with your own names…
- Printable Stickers – print on sticker paper, cutout and hand out as prizes or place in goodie bags. These can also double as Cupcake toppers!
- Toothpick flags – Place these on toothpicks and place in foods like meatballs, sandwiches and other finger foods.
- DIY Treat Bags -Create and fill with yummy treats, place on tables and let guest take from the bags. Or hand out with small toys or treats inside!
- DIY printable Notebook – Create this little notebook to hand out to the guests. It is perfect for keeping track of homework, writing down classes, or taking a few notes
- Pencil Tioppers – decorate the tops of pencils and give them out at the party. It is a cheap and easy Moana theme proze
- and more – See below for all the fun printables
The printables I created below are free to download, print and create. However, if you like what you see, please concider donating using the Paypal button below. The printables take a lot of work and time to create and any amount is helpful. 🙂
To download:
- Click the images below
- A PDF will pop up
- Save the PDF to your computer in a easy to find location (Make a Moana folder to make finding it easy)
- Then Print and create for hours of fun!
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Click here for instructions on how to make the notebook |
More about Moana:
“Three thousand years ago, the greatest sailors in the world voyaged across the vast Pacific, discovering the many islands of Oceania. But then, for a millennium, their voyages stopped – and no one knows why.
From Walt Disney Animation Studios comes “Moana,” a sweeping, CG-animated feature film about an adventurous teenager who sails out on a daring mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana (voice of Auli’i Cravalho) meets the once-mighty demigod Maui (voice of Dwayne Johnson), who guides her in her quest to become a master wayfinder. Together, they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds, and along the way, Moana fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she’s always sought: her own identity. Directed by the renowned filmmaking team of Ron Clements and John Musker (“The Little Mermaid,” “Aladdin,” “The Princess & the Frog”) and produced by Osnat Shurer (“Lifted,” “One Man Band”), “Moana” sails into U.S. theaters on Nov. 23, 2016.” (Disney Moana)