Exciting News! On this amazing “May the Fourth Be With You” day, Disney has released Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Disney+ and it’s now available to stream! We finally get to follow the story of Clone Force 99, better known as The Bad Batch, as they go on new missions that most clones would never want to take. The not-like-the-rest clones do have one thing going for them, they have a 100% success rate! Whether or not this success rate will stick with them through the series is something only time will reveal.
I say “only time will reveal,'” because The Bad Batch is being released weekly. The episode released today is called ‘Aftermath’ and it’s 75 minutes long. Basically it is an awesome movie to start the adventures. For someone like me who tends to binge watch entire seasons, this will have a tough waiting period…oh the impatience is growing. I will admit, I’m ecstatic that The Bad Batch is now streaming and that I can watch Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, and Echo as they learn to adapt to an ever changing galaxy and complete their crazy missions. I simply have to wait for episode 2 and beyond.

Official synopsis:
They call themselves the Bad Batch, but the motley crew that makes up Clone Force 99 boasts an astounding 100 percent success rate and skills unseen in any other clone troopers. Adept at working together, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair use their unique talents and specialized physiology to execute extraordinary solutions on the battlefield.
The Bad Batch on StarWars.com
In celebration of the Bad Batch’s season premier, Disney has released a fun game of Bingo that fans can play while we watch the Bad Batch on Disney+. To get the Bingo cards go to The Bad Batch on StarWars.com and download the cards or click the image below and save the PDF to your computer. Then print, stream Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Disney plus, and play.

- Print out as many cards as needed for your group
- There are five different card variants to mix things up! There is also a blank card to make your own if the group has more than five people, or if you simply want to use your own Bingo cards.
- For best results, print on cardstock.
- Play along while streaming the season premiere of Star Wars: The Bad Batch on Disney+!
- Watch for the characters, “quotes,” locations, things, and happenings seen in the card squares. Mark your card when you find a match, using a marker, coin, or other object.
- Complete any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row, and exclaim, “BAD BATCH BINGO!”
- Use the included BLANK board to make your own Bad Batch Bingo cards to play during rewatches!
There are also 3 awesome mobile wallpapers to show off your fandom. Simply save the images to your phone and select them as your wallpaper. These can also be found on the Official Star Wars: The Bad Batch Website.
The Bad Batch Mobile Wallpapers: