From the makers of Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda, DreamWorks brings us a new animation called Turbo. Of course the first thing that pops into my mind is, “I need to find some awesome printables.” I am often called a digital hoarder. I collect printables and paper crafts and I am constantly looking for more on characters and movies I enjoy. So with high-velocity I began my quest of searching for free printables and found more than I had expected, from coloring pages to a printable Turbo Board game.
While downloading the freebies I wished that my computer could have miraculously gained super speed, because I wanted to view the printables, print them, and try them out asap. However, before I Turbo-charged my own needs, I decided to share the printables I have found.
To get these printables click the images below and download the PDFs tp your computer. Then print and create for a Turbo of a good time! (see what I did there? hahaha)
I am in no way affiliated with DreamWorks. I am just a fan sharing free printables I find regarding characters and movies that they create. I suppose the only similarity between DreamWorks and I is that we have the same initials, which they display underneath their official logo. Every time I see SKG I feel so special hahahaha