Dreamworks Animation Special Printable Valentine’s Day Card

Dreamworks Animation Has released a special gift for all their fans this Valentin’es Day! With it being the season of love, they created a free pack of printable Valentine’s Day cards! Simply download, print, cutout, and give them to your friends and family. These cards feature some of our favorite characters from some of their top Netflix series shows, such as: Dragons Race to the Edge, Voltron Legendary Defenders, Dino-trux, Home, and TrollHunters. Who needs to buy Valentines when you can have cards as AWESOME as these!?

The PDF features 3 different Valentine’s Day Cards for each series. Check them out below.

Dinotrux Valentines Day Cards:

  1. You are Dino-Mite
  2. You’re Ty-Riffic
  3. You make my heart Roar

Dragons Race to the Edge Valentines Day Cards:

  1. Time Flies when I am with you
  2. We go together like Hiccstrid
  3. You make my Heart Race



HOME Valentines Day Cards:

  1. Daaang, you are boov-iful
  2. You are Purrr-fect
  3. We go together like Tip and Oh

TrollHunters Valentines Day Cards:

  1. I can’t take my eyes off of you
  2. You’re a Gem
  3. For the glory of Merlin, My Heart is Yours to command

TrollHunters Valentines Day Cards:

  1. You’re out of the Universe
  2. My love for you is as Big as a Robeast
  3. I’d be Blue without You

To download the Valentines Day Cards simply lick the image below and save the PDF to your computer. Then Print, cut out the cards, fill out the to and from, and give them to your friends and family!

Be sure to check out the other Free Valentine’s Day Cards I have on my blog. There are Star Wars, Fifth Element, Slugterra, and more! Click HERE to see them.

Free Printable Star Wars Valentine’s Day Cards

Ah, Valentine’s Day. A time for love, a time to snuggling, and a perfect time for a marathon of the greatest love story that happened in a galaxy far far away! Seriously, who wouldn’t want to watch Star Wars on this most romantic day?

To celebrate Valentine’s Day properly, fans like us need the perfect way to show our devotion to our significant other. Believe it or not, there is no shortage of Star Wars Valentine’s Day Gifts. From candy mugs in the shape of Darth Vader’s head to a bouquet of Star Wars plushies, a fan in love will find something perfect. I posted a few of my favorites below.

R2-D2: You R2 Awesome

BB-8: Be My Valentine

Star Wars Bouquet

Of course a gift needs a card. I mean, that is what Valentine’s Day is known for, their awesome, geeky, perfect little cards. Concerned? Don’t be, I have all the fans covered! This year, I decided to draw a few cards that would be perfect for this Valentine’s Day. Each card depicts an awesome Star Wars trait or character.

Card 1: Star Wars Happy Valentine’s Day – This card plays on the new poster for Star Wars The Last Jedi. With a space background, red title, and a white Happy Valentine’s Day, this card will get the point across in the all new Star Wars look.

Card 2: Darth Vader – While he may not be the most loving character in Star Wars, he makes a perfect love coach. If he finds your lack of love disturbing, it may be time to rethink how you show your love.

Card 3: BB-8 – While R2-D2 will always be my favorite droid, BB-8 is a close second. This little droid wants to wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day.

Card 4: Lightsabers – The pink lightsaber may not be canon but it is colored with the feelings of love. Perhaps the lightsaber uses a mood crystal that changes with the users emotion…I think I may have just created the beginning of a fanfic.



To download these free Star Wars printable Valentine’s Day cards simply click the image below and save the PDF to your computer. Then print and create and give them to your one true galactic love.

FYI: The back of the card is a perfect place to leave a geeky love message.

Free Princess Palace Pets Coloring Page of Olive

Tiana has a new Palace Pet! Olive is an adorable puppy that loves helping in Tiana’s restaurant. When Olive visits Whisker Haven, she adds a little New Orleans flair to Berry’s recipes. Delicious.

Olive has a lime green body with a light yellow tummy and face.. She has a pink nose and pink ears. She wears a Lavender necklace, flower bow and headband to match Tiana.



In honor of Olive becoming a Princess Palace Pet, I have created a free printable coloring page!
This Printable coloring page is free to download, print and color. If you do download this printable please consider donating. It takes a lot of time to create these fun printables and every little bit allows me to continue to bring these fun printables to you.

Amount you wish to Donate

To download the Olive coloring page:
1. Click the image below
2. Save the PDF to your computer
3. Print, color and enjoy

You can download more free printable Disney Princess Palace Pets on my blog here:

Once the page has been colored, please share. I would love to see the art and share some of them on my facebook page.

Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa Recipe

Picture from Disney Family https://family.disney.com/recipe/minnie-mouse-hot-cocoa/

I have a niece that absolutely loves Minnie Mouse. I don’t mean the occasional love, I mean the type of love that boarders on obsession. She will literally stop what she is doing just to watch, read, or see anything with Minnie Mouse. Because of her adorable love for this little mouse, I had to share this Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa Recipe found on Disney Family. Of course, this recipe is for all the Minnie Mouse fans out there.



How sweet! One sip of this deliciously pink Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa will warm your heart with magic. Disney Family

This recipe is easy to make. However, some of the items have to it in the fridge for a while so prepare these a couple hours in advance.

TIP: All items that require heating up or melting should be done by an adult. The devouring part is totally done by the kids and the young at heart, or anyone that loves hot cocoa.

Minnie Mouse Hot Cocoa

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Print

Items Needed

Photo and recipe from Disney Family

  1. Place one bag of pink chocolate candy melts in a microwave safe bowl.
  2. Melt pink chocolate candy melts in increments of 30 seconds, stirring after each 30 seconds.
  3. Fill a silicone ice cube tray with melted pink chocolate.
  4. Sprinkle pink sprinkles and white pearls over each individual section of chocolate.
  5. Place one straw in the middle of every section of chocolate.
  6. Refrigerate overnight.
  7. Heat 8 ounces of milk in a microwave safe mug. Place one pink chocolate cube into mug and stir.
  8. Add whipped cream and two chocolate mini-donuts for ears.

This recipe can be simplified by simply plopping the white chocolate melts into the milk and adding sprinkles. No melting or waiting required. Let’s face it, sometimes life just needs shortcuts.


Disclosure: I was not paid, requesred or given anything to post this recipe. I simply found it on Disney Family and had to share for all the Minnie Mouse fans. (See more here)

Printable Princess Palace Pets Coloring Page of Otto

Ariel has a new Palace Pet! Otto is an adorable sea otter that loves to sing. Otto has a aquamarine/teal body with a yellow face and belly. He has a red and white bow and neck tie to match his sailor hat. Ariel found Otto when she was singing on Eric;s ship. While she was singing she suddenly heard another voice join in on the song. Down in the water was an adorable Otter Pup named Otto.



Otto was featured in the fun Princess Palace Pet Toy, “S.S. Pawcation Royal Yacht Playset.” Where, “With Palace Pets Pawcation, every day is full of magic!” The Playset comes with the ship, some decorations, and of course Otto.

In honor of Otto becoming a Princess Palace Pet, I have created a free printable coloring page!
This Printable coloring page is free to download, print and color. If you do download this printable please consider donating. It takes a lot of time to create these fun printables and every little bit allows me to continue to bring these fun printables to you.

Amount you wish to Donate

To download the Otto coloring page:
1. Click the image below
2. Save the PDF to your computer
3. Print, color and enjoy

You can download more free printable Disney Princess Palace Pets on my blog here:

Once the page has been colored, please share. I would love to see the art and share some of them on my facebook page.

Free Printable Voltron Legendary Defenders Door Hanger

Shut the front door, close the windows, shut off all phone, and settle onto the couch. Voltron Legendary Defenders Season 2 is now available on Netflix! To keep us from being disrupted while watching this epic continuation, Dreamworks and Netflix have provided their fans with this printable Door Hanger. It’s a simple way to tell those who may interrupt your screening process to, “Leave me the Quiznak alone!”



To use this door hanger, download the PDF by clicking the image below. Then print the page and cut out the door hanger along the dotted line. Finally, hang it on the doorknob so that everyone knows your time is already filled with adventure, space battles, aliens, and galactic heroes.

Tip: Print this on cardstock for longer lasting use and durability.

Warning: This craft does require the use of scissors. All cutting should be done by an adult.

A Series of Frozen Events Meets Count Olaf

There are times when even I should have the mouse ripped from my hands and the computer demolished, and this was one of those times. I implore you to run away from this blog, look away before you have seen something you can’t un-see. This vile fan-art combines two series that have nothing in common but a simple name. This crossover event should have been deleted, never shared with those of innocent eyes. In fact, I am wondering why you continue to read these horrific words intending to see what should never be unveiled. The fiendish artist, SKGaleana, knows what dastardly deed she is committing and still pushes forth to share her creation. It is as if the snowflake of common sense has melted away leaving us with something that should never see the light of day, especially when one turns the Evil Count Olaf into a snowman. “Snowman” is a phrase which here means, “snow shaped to resemble a human figure,” in this case, Count Olaf.



Once again I beg you to look away. These images will not be pleasant and will leave lasting scars on the Frozen fans everywhere. There will be no going back in time to keep from seeing these images. One: because time travel does not yet exist. Two: Going back could have a horrific effect on the time line, possibly making events and images worse rather than better.

Since you are still here:
The journey starts with just an ordinary snowman, brought to life by Elsa with her magical powers. But the story doesn’t end there. Because of a simple name innocently given to a happy snowman, we now have a crazy crossover event that no one should see. However, since this blog is so insistent on sharing the following images, we will see this happy snowman, who was so foolishly named Olaf, change into a costume wearing fiend. Once again, I say, Look Away.

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The Best Printable Count Olaf Paper Doll is Free

“Look away. look away. Look away, look away,” unless you want to see the worst Paper Doll filled with Unfortunate disguises that only add to the everyday sorrow that we feel. Actually, this newest Paper Doll by Cory has to be one of the best I have seen in a while. Count Olaf and his costume collection are idolized printable paper doll inspired by the Netflix series “Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events.” Not only do we have Count Olaf in all his horribleness, we also get Stephano, Captain Sham, and Shirley T. Sinoit-Pécer.



If you are looking for a cutesy paper doll of a princess with closed eyes and lots of very fancy dresses then please move along. Run away from this computer of handheld device as fast as you can! This is NOT that paper doll. It is with great regret that I share this Vile, Fiendish Doll made by my associate, Jersey Conn. Jersey is a paper doll artist for a top secret organization which is never to mentioned publicly. My life is in danger just for volunteering to post this here. Our hope is that this doll will reach the appropriate members of our organization, as all other forms of communication have been unsuccessful, including telephone, plane, train, fax, pigeon, and the flawed postal service. You can see where enemies of the organization have tried to destroy this paper doll by burning down the malt shop where the soda jerk had been ordered to use it as a wrapper for a cheeseburger and discreetly pass it along to a man with dark glasses. “Paper doll” is a phrase which here means, “a tool to be used by fellow volunteers to help discover the villainous Count Olaf in his many disguises which he uses to attempt stealing the Baudelaire Orphans’ fortune.” So I beg you on behalf of my associate, Jersey Conn, do not download or print this paper doll! And PLEASE do not cut out these disguises and dress the nefarious Count Olaf (as Played by Neil Patrick Harris in the terrible new Netflix series) in them! It is an activity that can only lead to sorrow and regret. You will be much Happier if you lock all your doors, turn off all the lights, and hide under the soft comforter on your bed. Paper Dolls by Cory

To download this paper doll simply click the image below and save it to your computer. Then Print and create to make the Count Olaf Paper Doll. Be sure to see more of Cory’s Paper Dolls by going to his Facebook page Paper Dolls by Cory.

Free Princess Palace Pets Coloring Page of Nola

Jasmine has a new Palace Pet! She is an adorable little Hippo named Nola. Like many of Jasmine’s pets, Nola’s main color is light aquamarine. Nola also has a pink tail and toes. Her jewelry is purple with gold accents. To finish off her adorable look, Nola has a matching purple bow.

We have yet to find out how and when Jasmine found Nola. I am guessing Jasmine found her during an around the world trip on a magic carpet.



In honor of Nola becoming a Princess Palace Pet, I have created a free printable coloring page!
This Printable coloring page is free to download, print and color. If you do download this printable please consider donating. It takes a lot of time to create these fun printables and every little bit allows me to continue to bring these fun printables to you.

Amount you wish to Donate

To download the Nola coloring page:
1. Click the image below
2. Save the PDF to your computer
3. Print, color and enjoy

You can download more free printable Disney Princess Palace Pets on my blog here:

Once the page has been colored, please share. I would love to see the art and share some of them on my facebook page.

Voltron Legendary Defenders Mask and Sword Craft

The universe’s greatest protector will rise again! The fan-favorite sequel DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender Season 2 is coming to Netflix on Friday, January 20th. Anyone else feeling like January 20th is still so far away? I have never been good at waiting, so this is nearly unbearable.



I know I have posted a few blog posts regarding Voltron Legendary Defenders, but that’s because this Netflix Series is that good. I have enjoyed the story, characters, and art! It is certainly one of my favorite animated series at this point. Not to mention, Voltron Legendary Defenders totally brings on nostalgia. I can remember watching the classic animated series and being totally enthralled in the story and adventure. I love stuff like this.

In celebration of DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender Season 2 coming to Netflix, DreamWorks Animation Television and Netflix have released a brand new activity that every fan will love! To get ready for season 2, fans are given these awesome printable templates to create our very own Voltron mask and sword! What a great way to spend the weekend!

With just a little cardboard and some colored card stock we can be the new Voltron force, defenders of the popcorn.


  1. Cut out all template pieces and arrange them on cardboard sheets. Trace around the edges of the template onto the cardboard. Cut out each sword piece and set aside.
  2. Arrange template pieces on cardstock sheets. Trace around the edges of the template onto the cardstock. Cut out each piece and set aside.
  3. Apply glue to the back of each cardstock piece and stick to the front of each matching cardboard piece.
  4. Place double stick tape on the pack of piece B through F. Starting with Piece A as your base, position Piece B on top of A, then C on top of B and so on
  5. Staple on elastic band to the sides of the mask to wear it hands free. or glue a wooden craft stick to the back center for a hand-held version


  1. Cut out all template pieces and arrange them on cardboard sheets. Trace around the edges of the template onto the cardboard. Cut out each sword piece and set aside.
  2. Arrange template pieces on cardstock sheets. Trace around the edges of the template onto the cardstock. Cut out each piece and set aside.
  3. Apply glue to the back of each cardstock piece and stick to the front of each matching cardboard piece.
  4. Place double stick tape on the pack of piece B through F. Starting with Piece A as your base, position Piece B on top of A, then C on top of B and so on
  5. Repeat step 4 to cover the reverse side of the sword

To get the templates for these fun activities, click the image below. The PDF will save to your computer so that you can print it and start the fun! Remember, the colors are suggestions to match Voltron. BUT..bring on the imagination and make them your favorite colors. Purple would make an awesome sword 🙂

There are so many more crafts and printables featuring everyone’s favorite Legendary Defender on my blog. Be sure to check them all out and grab the ones you love the most. The Party kit is especially awesome!